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Stewarding PHPDA’s Assets

The Finance Committee is one of two Standing Committees of the Governing Council. The Committee consists of voting Governing Council members and non-voting Strategic Advisors with the purpose of stewarding PHPDA’s property assets and finances. They monitor PHPDA’s investments, audits, cash flow, insurance, and potential risks while navigating complex Pacific Tower Campus activities and neighborhood relationships. 

The meetings of the Governing Council and Committees are open to the public.

Upcoming Meeting:
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 9:00 AM | Download Agenda

Note: Hybrid. Meeting link in agenda.

2024 Past Meetings

July 3, 2024

Note: Adjourned to be continued at the next Finance & Audit Committee meeting on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 9:00 AM.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

June 5, 2024

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

May 1, 2024

Note: Adjourned to be continued at the next Finance & Audit Committee meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 9:00 AM.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

April 3, 2024

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

March 6, 2024

Note: Adjourned to be continued at the next Finance & Audit Committee meeting on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 9:00 AM.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

February 7, 2024

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

January 3, 2024

Note: Adjourned to be continued at the next Finance & Audit Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 9:00 AM.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM


December 6, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

November 1, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

October 4, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

September 6, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

August 2, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

July 5, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

June 7, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

May 3, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

April 5, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

March 1, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

February 1, 2023

Note: Special Meeting of the Finance & Audit Committee. Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 10:30 AM

February 1, 2023

Note: Adjourned to be continued at the next Special Finance & Audit Committee meeting on the same day, Wednesday, February 1, 2023, starting at 10:30 AM instead. See Special Meeting agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

January 4, 2023

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM


December 7, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

November 2, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

October 5, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

September 7, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

August 3, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

July 6, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

June 1, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

May 4, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

April 6, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

March 2, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

Februrary 2, 2022

Note: Special Meeting of the Finance & Audit Committee. Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 10:30 AM

February 2, 2022

Note: Adjourned to be continued at the next Special Finance & Audit Committee meeting on the same day, Wednesday, February 2, 2022, starting at 10:30 AM instead. See Special Meeting above for the Special Meeting agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

January 5, 2022

Note: Remote. Meeting link in agenda.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

Robert Cook, MBA (he/him)

Governing Council Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair
Former Senior Director of the Finance and IT Services Division, Washington State Housing Finance Commission


Paul Feldman (he/they)

Governing Council Secretary
Community Volunteer


AyeNay Abye (they/them)

Governing Council Member & Finance Committee Member
Chief Executive Officer, Tubman Center for Freedom and Health


Nicholas Ramirez (he/him)

Governing Council Member & Finance Committee Member
Senior Vice President, Sea Mar


Sue Taoka (she/her)

Governing Council Member & Finance Committee Member
Community Volunteer

Diane Pietrowski (she/her)

Strategic Advisor to the Finance Committee
Former Chief Financial Officer, Plymouth Housing Group


Diane Pietrowski was the Chief Financial Officer from 2007 to 2022 for Plymouth Housing Group, a Seattle nonprofit which develops and manages housing for the homeless. She was recognized by the Puget Sound Business Journal as CFO of the Year in 2020. Ms. Pietrowski worked in affordable housing for over 35 years, with previous roles as an Audit Supervisor at Loveridge, Hunt CPA’s, and as Controller at Quantum Management Services.

Ms. Pietrowski is currently a board member and treasurer for Imagine Housing, and serves on the Finance Committee of Path with Art. She previously served as a board member and treasurer for the Washington Society of CPA’s, winning the WSCPA’s Outstanding Volunteer Leader Award in 2022. She was also a founding board member and treasurer for the Affordable Housing Management Association of Washington.


Ms. Pietrowski graduated magna cum laude from the University of Washington, with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and an accounting concentration. She is a Certified Public Accountant.

Ms. Pietrowski has served as a Strategic Advisor to the Finance Committee since 2022.