Elevating Impact Beyond Funding
Dear Community Members,
We are delighted to present to you the Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority’s Annual Report, reflecting our unwavering commitment to promoting health equity and supporting our community through campus stewardship, impactful grantmaking, and technical assistance programs that extend beyond financial support.
Over the past year, we have distributed grants to organizations committed to the health and wellbeing of their communities. We thoughtfully allocated these grants to maximize their impact, bolstering a diverse array of initiatives, including primary care, mental health and wellness programs, statewide advocacy, health education, and food assistance.
Our stewardship of the Pacific Hospital campus remains a cornerstone of our mission. We continue to enhance and maintain this historic site, ensuring it serves as a beacon of health for all in our community. The campus continues to provide a home for organizations aligned with our mission, fostering a collaborative environment that magnifies our collective impact.
Additionally, our Technical Assistance Program has grown significantly in the past year, offering grantees an extensive range of workshops to enhance their operational capabilities. Through these workshops and by sharing success stories, we aim to empower local community organizations in their vital work.
We are deeply grateful for your continued support and partnership. Together, we are making a material difference in addressing health inequities and serving our communities’ health needs.
Warmest regards,
The Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority Team
2023 Grantmaking
The PHPDA Health Equity Fund
The Health Equity Fund fuels PHPDA’s mission to champion health equity. Made possible by Pacific Tower Campus lease revenue, grants are disbursed to organizations working to eliminate health disparities and improve health equity in King County.
Major Grants: $50,000–$200,000 for annual renewable grants, with a maximum of three consecutive years of funding
Nimble Grants: Up to $30,000 for one-time, short-term projects, such as research, pilot programs, and capacity building
”I have never in my 10 years run into funding like this that allows us to achieve what we want to achieve. It’s a real, lived-out equity."
New Major Grants
Program Description
The Afghan Health Coalition brings together community members, public health officials, and healthcare providers to collaboratively address barriers to accessing prenatal care and improve maternal and birth outcomes for Afghan refugee women.
Grant Amount
Program Description
In partnership with Harborview Medical Center, DESC’s ConnectCare provides intensive medical case management to people experiencing chronic homelessness who are living with severe and complex behavioral and physical conditions.
Grant Amount
Program Description
The Health Navigation program promotes long term health outcomes for women experiencing homelessness, economic insecurity, and trauma. Women receive individualized assistance to improve their access to healthcare, dental care, preventative health education, and other essential services.
Grant Amount
Program Description
Neighborcare Health’s Midwifery Program addresses disparities in maternal health by providing culturally sensitive midwifery services for immigrants, refugees, and low-income persons of color in 5 Neighborcare Clinics located in under-resourced neighborhoods in Seattle.
Grant Amount
Program Description
Peer Washington’s peer recovery model offers peer support services, recovery support, and behavioral health treatment to individuals involved in drug diversion courts. The project aims to reduce fatal overdose incidents and alleviate negative impacts to mental health, while reshaping the intersection of criminal justice, behavioral health, and community-based peer models.
Grant Amount
Program Description
UTOPIA Washington’s Mapu Maia Clinic provides accessible, culturally and linguistically aligned care for queer and transgender Pacific Islanders, including gender affirming care, primary and urgent care, vaccinations, and health and safety resources.
Grant Amount
Program Description
Youth Experiential Training Institute provides nature-based outdoor programs for low-income, BIPOC, and English Language Learner students in the Highline and Tukwila School Districts. Y.E.T.I offers physical activity in a social setting to improve each student’s long-term physical and mental health.
Grant Amount
Renewal Grantees
Year 2
Akin (formerly Childhaven)
Promoting Equitable Access to Early Childhood Services for Latinx Children in South King County through Culturally Responsive Developmental Screening and Family Support
Evergreen Treatment Services
Treatment in Motion: Community-Based Rapid-Access Treatment to Opioid Use Disorder
Global Perinatal Services
Black Bundle of Joy
Lutheran Community Services NW
Refugees Northwest: Enhanced Mental Health & Case Management Services for Asylees and Asylum Seekers
Purpose. Dignity. Action. (PDA)
Tubman Center for Health & Freedom
The Freedom Clinic
Year 3
Asian Counseling & Referral Service
WAPA (Wellness for Asian Pacific American) Wellness Nurse Project
Strengths, Supports, and Resilient Action
East African Community Services
Ubuntu Wellness Project
Living Well Kent Collaborative
Healthy Starts for Immigrant and Refugee Children
Somali Health Board
Increasing Equity in Mental Health Services for Somalis in King County
2023 Nimble Grantees
”I love PHPDA's ability to understand, trust our vision and invest in those ‘outlier’ aspects of our work”
Program Title
Genetic Services Needs Assessment and Tailored Toolkits for Seattle-Area Community Health Centers
Grant Amount
Program Title
Hepatitis B Targeted Vaccination for Equity
Grant Amount
Program Title
Bellevue School Access Project
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Program Title
Promoting Access to Sport & Physical Activity by Training Coaches in Trauma-Informed and Anti-Racist Practices
Grant Amount
Program Title
Advocating for Equity and Community Engagement as New Immigrant Health Programs Launch
Grant Amount
Program Title
Expanding Mental Health Access for System-Impacted Individuals and Family Members
Grant Amount
Program Title
Social Service Resource Navigation Expansion
Grant Amount
Program Title
Pathways to Practice: Licensure Advocacy for Ukrainian and Afghan International Medical Graduates to Improve Health Outcomes and Access for Immigrants and Refugees
Grant Amount
Program Title
Procurement and Operation of a Community Services Van
Grant Amount
Program Title
Expanding Access and Availability of Prenatal Substance Exposure Interventions
Grant Amount
”What we’ve learned is how valuable it can be to have the flexibility in our funding to pivot when needed. PHPDA has offered us so much flexibility, [and] we’re realizing with that flexibility we can have a greater impact..."
”They’re willing to listen to us. It wasn’t them just saying, ‘Okay, I know what’s best for your community, and here’s how I want you to spend the money.’ They were really listening to what we’re saying and what we’re seeing in the community.”
”Relationship-wise, I consider [PHPDA] as not only a supporter but also a collaborator in terms of working in the community."
2023 UW Health Equity Scholars
Since 2015, PHPDA has partnered with UW to fund graduate students’ research or practical projects that can help our grantees and our communities advance health equity in King County.
Claire’s project aims to reform the roles and sustainability of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in rural King County. It includes a review of CHW pay structures, highlights the importance of CHWs in health systems, discusses challenges faced by CHWs – particularly in rural areas – and proposes strategies such as community-based participatory funding and policy changes to address these challenges and improve CHW support and retention.
Rebecca’s project emphasizes the connection between oral health and overall wellbeing, highlighting that poor oral health can significantly affect the quality of life and is particularly detrimental for individuals with behavioral health disorders. It outlines various interventions and strategies to promote preventive oral care among these populations, including integrating oral screenings into primary care and cross-training with medical professionals to make dental care more accessible and tailored to the needs of individuals with behavioral health disorders.
Support Beyond Funding for Small Nonprofits
PHPDA offered various Technical Assistance workshops for our grantees throughout the year, providing opportunities for learning and connection so grantees can maximize their impacts in community.
We’ve heard what you said. We continue to hear your feedback on the types of TA that would be most useful moving forward, and we’re excited to continue thinking strategically on how best to provide those resources.
Theory of Change
This workshop refined and clarified the purpose of Theories of Change (or Logic Models), helping establish connections between overall impact and interim measurable goals.
The workshop dove into strategies to plan programs; develop measurable inputs, activities, outcomes and intermediate results; and set up structures to provide feedback for program improvements and adjustments.
Take the Mystery out of Grantwriting
This learning session explored strategies for grantwriting that communicate how a proposed program aligns with a funder’s priorities. Participants learned grantwriting best practices, enhancing their ability to effectively articulate their ideas and leverage data in proposals.
The workshop highlighted steps to take even before putting pen to paper, identifying strengths and weaknesses of a grant application from the perspective of a grant reviewer, and strategies to maintain relationships with funders for potential future funding opportunities.
Taming the Beast of Evaluation
This workshop introduced program evaluation, explaining its purpose and why evaluations are conducted, as well as their role in assessing program effectiveness and impact.
The workshop explored different types of evaluations, how to scope a program evaluation to meet organizational needs, and highlighted opportunities to center equity and anti-racism in evaluation work.
Financial Stewardship for Small Nonprofits
This workshop discussed financial stewardship and overseeing financial resources to ensure they are used effectively and efficiently to support organizational goals. Strategies included tracking funds to monitor income, expenses, and overall financial performance; transparency and accountability in financial management; and determining whether an organization needs an audit, depending on factors like legal requirements, funding sources, and organizational policies.
The workshop discussed building a strong strategic foundation through budgeting, appropriate staffing, considerations for finance committees and boards, and how to submit an organization’s Form 990.

With Our Deepest Appreciation
Thank you to our 2023 Staff, Governing Council members, and Strategic Advisors that are moving on to other ventures in 2024:
- John Kim, PHPDA Executive Director. (Carried the PHPDA as Executive Director since September 2019 through early 2023)
- Gloria Burton, Senior Housing Developer & Director @ Catholic Housing Services. Governing Council Secretary in 2023. (Served on the board since 2018.)
- Michael Leong, JD, VP of Corporate & Legal Affairs @ Sea Mar Community Health Centers. Program Committee Strategic Advisor. (Served as Strategic Advisor to the Program Committee since 2013.)
- Marguerite Ro, DrPH, State Director @ AARP. Program Committee Strategic Advisor. (Served as Strategic Advisor to the Program Committee since 2023.)
- Kara Zollner, Financial Director @ Look, Listen & Learn TV. Finance Committee Strategic Advisor. (Served as Strategic Advisor to the Finance Committee since 2022.)