Improving Language Access for Early Developmental Supports


Grantee: Kindering
Timeframe: October 2021 – September 2022 | Amount: $15,000

This project will increase access and improve outcomes for early support for families whose preferred language is not English by translating key documents into top languages, with community review and outreach to publicize availability of programs and services.

Grant funds form this project will be used to support translations. Kindering records interpretation requests and know the languages for which families most often ask. Kindering will translate vital documents and materials into these languages. Translated materials will be provided to the families and completed in partnership with medical interpreters and staff, who would simultaneously complete the form in English (ensuring that information is accessible for both parties). Translation technology also would afford the chance to translate and share with families’ important individualized health information such as developmental evaluation reports and autism diagnoses.

Required Languages:
In 2020, 844 of families served by Kindering reported 53 home languages other than English. The most common interpreted were Spanish, Mandarin, Chinese and Arabic, spoken by 348 families. Kindering will first translate documents for speakers of these languages (Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Arabic), adding more languages as budget allows.

Key Documents:
The prioritization of documents to translate is based on experience with Spanish translation needs, as well as data and input from families, direct service providers, family resource coordinators, the Project Manager and our Accessibility, Equity and Inclusion team. The Project Manager sets priority for work so translations are timely and within budget.

Translation and Community Review:
Kindering will use licensed software to create a preliminary translation of priority documents into Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Arabic. Community voice, participation and engagement are essential for the Project to be appropriate and effective in improving access to and outcomes from EI. After preliminary machine translation, members who are fluent in the document language and familiar with any specialized terminology would review the translations, discuss questions with Kindering staff, and help with needed revisions.

Community reviewers would receive $25.00 per hour, the same rate paid to the staff translator. To keep costs down, Kindering will also work with qualified volunteer reviewers from among the families they serve. Out of respect of the value of their work, community reviewers will not be asked to volunteer. Kindering will contract community reviewers through outreach to the current partners including the Muslim Association of Puget Sound, Somali Resource Board, Grace Chinese Lutheran Church and Eastside Pathways Promotores Project.

Outreach to Families Who Could Benefit from Translations:
To amplify Project impact, Kindering will partner with families at Kindering and in the community who speak the translated languages, asking them to share information and materials with community-based organizations and appropriate channels, including social media.

About Our Grantee


Kindering is a community-based non-profit whose mission is to “embrace children of diverse abilities and their families by providing the finest education and therapies to nurture hope, courage, and the skills to soar.” Kindering’s programs support children with delays, disabilities and risk factors through a broad range of therapies and services, positively impacting their developmental trajectories and, ultimately, helping families thrive. Kindering supports all families, regardless of their financial means.

Nimble Grant

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