Health Services at the Cynthia Green Family Center

Grantee: Renton Area Youth & Family Services
Timeframe: July 2017 – June 2020 | Total Amount: $344,481
Year 1: July 2017 – June 2018. Amount: $80,000
Year 2: July 2018 – June 2019. Amount: $140,000
Year 3: July 2019 – June 2020. Amount: $124,481
Renton Area Youth & Family Services’ (RAYS) program will increase the availability of primary healthcare services and health education of people in Skyway, Renton, and South Seattle. The community of Skyway is often referred to as an urban island; situated in between Renton, Seattle, and Tukwila, the unincorporated community has few services and limited transportation into and out of Skyway prohibit individuals from regularly accessing medical services. There are no medical healthcare providers in Skyway.
The program will address the health disparities and lack of access to health care by placing a Medical Provider and Behavioral Health Therapist in the Cynthia A. Green Health Center twice weekly. Prior to opening the clinic to patients, RAYS and HealthPoint will complete renovations on the Family Center to create an examination room, lab and bathroom. HealthPoint will provide initial funds for the Capital Project with additional funds coming from a small RAYS Capital Campaign. The current estimate for the renovations is $150,000.
HealthPoint will hire a Medical Provider and a Medical Assistant to provide Medical Appointments and Health Education from the Cynthia A. Green Family Center. Together, the Medical Team will see individuals for primary care appointments, including well child visits and routine physicals for adults, sick visits, immunizations, and basic chronic care management. The Medical Team will begin seeing patients in January 2018. The Medical Team will offer clinics throughout the year (e.g. immunization clinics prior to the start of school, flu shot clinics) and offer health education sessions to provide the community valuable information about healthy eating, asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The Medical Team will have all necessary licensures and at least two years of experience working in a community clinic setting.
RAYS will place a Mental Health Clinician in the Family Center to provide mental health services and intensive case management. Currently, RAYS offers school-based mental health services in the local schools in Skyway, however, there are no mental health providers available to the community. The Mental Health Clinician will be able to support clients from the community by providing individual and family therapy. The Clinician will begin to see clients in September under this grant and will refer patients to the nearest HealthPoint clinic until the onsite clinic opens in January.
About our Grantee
Renton Area Youth & Family Services
RAYS provides high-quality, integrated behavioral health care and prevention services to children, youth, and families to restore hope and a healthier future.