CRISP (Culturally Responsive, Integrated & Strength-Based Parenting) Planning for South King County Expansion


Grantee: Korean Women’s Association
Timeframe: October 2020 – March 2021 | Amount: $20,000

This project “CRISP Planning for South King County Expansion” will be co-led by KWA and APCC to maximize capabilities and relationships with the Pacific Islander community in South King County.  There are four key activities associated with this 6-month project:

  1. Design survey questions (in both English and Samoan) (Oct 2020) – to understand their health education needs and priorities. Potential questions include: a) What information would you like to have to begin taking healthy actions with your family in the next 3 months?, b) What resource or information would you like, to help or motivate you to make a medical appointment for you and your children in the next 3 months? c) How is this COVID-19 impacting your family’s ability to stay healthy?, d) What is one thing we can do in the next year through our CRISP program to have an impact on your health outcomes?, and e) What is one thing we can do or advocate for collectively in the next year, to improve health equity for the Pacific Islander community in South King County?
  2. Capture Survey Responses (in English and Samoan) – with at least 50 Pacific Islander parents/ caregiver of children up to 10 years old (Dec 2020 -Jan 2021). Each participant will receive a $20 online gift card for completing the survey.  A learning from transitioning from in-person classes to Zoom (in response to COVID-19) is that KWA can help Pacific Islanders parents (even older caregivers like grandparents) join virtual sessions.  Sometimes, it takes patience and one-to-one coaching, but once they figure it out, they enjoy being able to partake in something once complicated and out of reach for them. KWA will also offer one-to-one phone based discussions for those who cannot or do not wish to participate in a group setting and prefer to share their insights privately.
  3. Develop tailored CRISP program and launch plan, based on survey insights and planning meetings (Feb – -Mar 2021). KWA will develop a CRISP launch plan for 2021 that incorporates the priorities, needs, and preferences of Pacific Islander families in South King County.  The plan will include eligibility criteria (how young or old would the children of the parents have to be, to qualify for the free classes), topics for the first 6 months, registration/ reminder communication process via email/ text/ phone reminders, dates/ times that work for parents, and setting for in-person classes once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.  The plan will also include applying for funding from PHPDA Major Grants, King County Best Start for Kids, and other funding sources to implement CRISP in South King County.
  4. KWA will put together a report on the insights gained from this project for PHPDA and other stakeholders (Feb – Mar 2021). The report will include charts and cross-tab tables for quantitative and categorical survey responses, as well qualitative insights from the focus groups, surveys, and planning sessions.  This report will be shared with PHPDA and other stakeholders with vested interest in improving health equity for Pacific Islanders in South King County.


About Our Grantee

Korean Women’s Association

The Korean Women’s Association (KWA) was founded by a group of immigrant women in 1972 to provide equitable services for under-served women, seniors, and families. KWA is now serves 10,000+ clients of all races, genders, age groups in 13 counties across Washington State. Our culturally responsive services span in-home care, domestic violence shelter, affordable housing, benefits enrollment, senior centers, health education, and care coordination. Our mission is to improve health equity.

Nimble Grant

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