ASC Health Fair for Communities of Color

Grantee: Atlantic Street Center
Timeframe: October 2021 – September 2022 | Amount: $22,500
Atlantic Street Center (ASC) will reduce barriers to health information and care by holding its first agency-wide and culturally-focused Health Fair for 100 – 150 very low-income populations of color, more specifically, Black/African-American, Hispanic, and Asian families — some are non-English speaking, many are uninsured. These are three of the most prevalent minority populations in South King County whom experience language hurdles and due to socioeconomic and systematic factors, lack access to an array of health resources (as listed above).
The goal of the Health Fair is to provide these underserved, and often uninsured, populations with the cultural sensitivity and linguistically-appropriate resources to address their health concerns.
This funding will allow ACS to kick off the first of what is planned to be an annual, all-day, culturally-competent Health Fair from 10am – 3pm. It will be held in the month of June when families have time to attend it at a location central to where many of them reside in south Seattle, at the Rainier Beach Community Center, with ample parking and near transit lines. Serving thousands of diverse people each year, the Rainier Beach Community Center will partner with ASC to market our event which will offer 25 – 30 booths with vendors and health information.
ASC’s three leadership team members and the Marketing Coordinator will convene with a planning committee of multiple volunteers to form partnerships and plan the daylong fair over an 8-month ramp-up period. Additionally, the event will incorporate approximately 50 – 60 agency staff and non-medical volunteers.
About Our Grantee
Atlantic Street Center
Established in 1910 as one of the first social service nonprofits in Seattle, Atlantic Street Center (ASC) is an award-winning and culturally-competent organization serving low-income communities of color, including African American, Hispanic, and refugees and immigrant communities, throughout King County.