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RFQ for Youth Housing

Housing for Youth and Young Adults’ Wellness at the Quarters Buildings – Request for Qualifications

Download RFQ

Updated on 8/16/24

The Opportunity

Pacific Hospital Public Development Authority (PHPDA) is offering a rare opportunity for providers of youth and young adult transitional housing and services to create a supportive community for young adults ages 18 to 24 who are at risk of homelessness. PHPDA is seeking a qualified organization or team of organizations to develop and operate safe, healthy transitional housing and services for young adults at its Pacific Tower Campus, helping to build a home to support young adult residents in accessing health care, education, and job training. 

The Pacific Tower Campus is a local and national landmark, sitting on the north end of Beacon Hill. This campus is a dynamic hub for innovative nonprofits and government organizations, including healthcare, education, and job training. Behind the Pacific Tower sit the Quarters buildings, a handful of smaller, two-story buildings that were converted from living quarters to administrative offices in the late 20th century. Now, we are aiming to turn these buildings back into housing, creating a needed resource for our community that sits right alongside these other social supports.

The focus of this project is advancing health equity for young adults who are marginalized because of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation. BIPOC and LGBTQIA2+ young adults disproportionately experience housing instability and homelessness, and we are seeking a Campus partner to provide services that are affirming, accessible, and responsive to young people. 

We’re in this for the long haul – we’re seeking a long-term partner or group of organizations who can commit to being present and engaged for several decades, as a manager of the buildings and as a service provider.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible respondents include: 

  • 501(c)3 not-for-profit organizations, housing authorities, local government entities, or federally recognized Tribes, or a team of collaborating organizations of the same; 
  • Licensed to do business and in good standing in the State of Washington; and 
  • Have relevant experience working with youth and young adults at risk of or exiting homelessness.  

Submittals that do not clearly meet these minimum qualifications will not be evaluated.

Desired Attributes

We’re seeking a partner who shares our commitment to community relationships, prioritizes involving young people in their approach and design of programs, and understands the value of ongoing dialogue with Campus members and neighbors as the project evolves. 

Attributes and characteristics we will be looking for in responses include:

Family Play Football Outside

1. Equity in Services

How might you adequately address the unique needs of young adults of color and LGBTQIA2+ community members who are overrepresented among homeless young people? Respondents should outline their ability to address the unique needs of this population, remove barriers, and provide affirming, accessible, and responsive housing and services.

2. Youth and Young Adult Engagement and Voice

We want young people to have a genuine voice in service delivery – organizations are better equipped to meet specific and unique needs when they involve these young people as decision makers.

3. Housing Trust Fund and Funding Capacity

Respondents should have relevant experience implementing projects under the Housing Trust Fund and/or similar programs, as well as outline their capacity for seeking other capital funding and long-term operating funds.

4. Redevelopment and Property Management Capability

The Quarters Buildings require certain upgrades to meet accessibility requirements, and they must remain within the limits as required by the National Register of Historic Places. Respondents should demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform necessary rehabilitation and repurposing of the buildings consistent with such requirements.

Submitted Written Questions and PHPDA Responses

Are there any guaranteed funds beyond the $4.85 million described in the current RFQ? What is the plan for raising funds beyond this sum? Will the provider be responsible for a specific amount or % of fundraising? (Please include answer for both capital and operating costs).

Answer:  There are no guaranteed funds for the Project outside of the $4,850,000 in capital funds appropriated in the 2023-25 State Capital Budget (Section 1019).  The successful respondent will be responsible for securing all remaining capital and operating costs. 

What is the current zoning for the Quarters Buildings? Are the Quarters Buildings zoned to allow for interim use as housing or programming space while the project is in development? What party will be responsible for any necessary rezoning? What will the timeline be?

Answer:  The current zoning is C1-55M (see page 2 of the RFQ). Respondents are solely responsible for confirming that their vision for the Project either complies with existing zoning and land use requirements (including as to permitted uses) or for securing any necessary zoning amendment or land use modification needed for the Project. (See page 4 of the RFQ).

Can any of the $4.85 million from the Housing Trust Fund be used for staffing, specifically a project director? Is this allocation limited to capital, or can a portion be used for operating costs? What portion of the funding can be applied toward indirect costs?

Answer: Please refer to Item F (Housing Trust Fund Handbook) in Exhibit A to the RFQ. Respondents may also wish to review Section 1019 in Engrossed Senate Substitute Bill 5200 ( ). See also page 2-3 of the RFQ for the reference to the capital appropriation. Respondents are solely responsible for determining whether they and the Project can comply with the requirements of the Housing Trust Fund and any other applicable funding programs, and for determining the scope of eligible development costs.

Please clarify what, if any, lease payments will be required for the Quarters Buildings.

Answer: A single, capitalized lease payment in an amount to be negotiated, and as based on appraised lease value will be due on lease commencement. See Exhibit B to the RFQ. The appraisal will take into consideration existing restriction on the site (related to incentives and controls for historic preservation as required by City of Seattle Ordinance 116055). See Item C (Title Report) of the RFQ.

We understand that in the past, funding programs have considered a one-time, capitalized ground lease payment (for a long-term, capital-length term) as an eligible development expense. However, the successful respondent would be responsible for verifying such eligibility and the PHPDA has not itself analyzed this issue in the context of the Project or any available or potentially available funding source.

Please describe SCIDpda’s role in the project and outline their estimated costs. Will SCIDpda’s fees be paid out of the $4,850,000?

Answer: We understand that SCIDpda has offered to act as a project manager to the successful respondent. Any negotiation of scope and fees would be between the successful respondent and SCIDpda. Respondents should review Item F in Exhibit A to the RFQ to determine whether project management fees are eligible costs.

Please provide a contact for SCIDpda.

Answer: The SCIDpda contact is Jared Jonson, Co-Executive Director,

At the end of the second tour, someone mentioned that there would be funding available for property lease and operations through 6/2025. Please describe the amount of funding, its source, and the parameters of use.

Answer: The PHPDA has an existing license agreement with the Department of Commerce dated November 29, 2023 (the “Commerce License Agreement”) that provides Commerce with nonexclusive access to Quarters 3-10. A copy of that agreement is added as Item H to the “Link to Key Documents” in Exhibit A of the RFQ. While the Commerce License Agreement relates to the Premises, it is not a component of the RFQ or the Project.

Please provide the scope of work included with the legislative intent PHPDA submitted.

Answer: A copy of the PHPDA’s application submitted as a part of the 2023 capital budget process is added as Item I in the “Link to Key Documents” in Exhibit A to the RFQ.

Please confirm that the property includes 20-30 parking spaces that will be designated for the use of residents and operators.

Answer: The anticipated lease will provide for the minimum number of stalls required by the Seattle Municipal Code, but in no event more than 20 stalls.

Would the provider be responsible for the abatement of hazardous materials using the $4.85 million in funds?

Answer: The successful respondent will be solely responsible for the abatement of hazardous materials, including identifying appropriate funding, as part of development costs.

Process Timeline

For questions, email the RFQ Coordinator, Virgil Wade, at

Sign-up for updates on the RFQ Process
Collage of Student Working With A Notepad Taking Notes and Black Woman Proudly Celebrating Her Graduation Day In Her Decorated Robe

June 17, 2024

RFQ Issued

July 17 | 1:30 - 3 pm PT

Required Site Walk

Please RSVP at Meeting point for the site walk will be at the entrance to the Pacific Tower.

August 2 | 2:30-4 pm

ADDED: Additional Site Walk Opportunity

Please RSVP at Meeting point for the site walk will be at the entrance to the Pacific Tower. This Additional Site Walk is an alternative date for meeting the RFQ site walk requirement; those respondents who joined the first site walk are also welcome to attend.

NEW DATE: Aug. 9 | 6 pm (Updated from July 26)

Deadline to Submit Questions

NEW DATE: Aug. 16 | 6 pm (Updated from Aug. 7)

Release of Final Q&A

Sept. 6 | 6 pm

Qualifications Submittals Due

Week of Sept. 23

Oral Presentations (If any)

Oct. 8 (tentative)

Decision Regarding Selected Provider

All submittals shall be deemed public records as defined in Chapter 42.56 RCW. Any information in the submittal that a respondent desires to claim as proprietary and exempt from disclosure under the provisions of Chapter 42.56 RCW, or other state or federal law, must be clearly designated with the particular exemption from disclosure upon which the respondent is claiming cited. Each page containing information subject to a claimed exemption must be clearly identified with the words “Proprietary Information” printed on the lower right hand corner of the page. Marking the entire submittal exempt from disclosure or as Proprietary Information will not be honored. If a public records request is made for communications that the PHPDA, in its reasonable discretion, believes includes the information that the respondent has marked as “Proprietary Information,” PHPDA will notify the respondent of the request and of the date that the records will be released to the requester unless the respondent obtains a court order enjoining that disclosure. If the respondent fails to obtain the court order enjoining disclosure, PHPDA will release the requested information on the date specified. If a respondent obtains a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction enjoining disclosure pursuant to Chapter 42.56 RCW, or other state or federal law that provides for nondisclosure, PHPDA shall comply with the court order.